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Cool! I love the idea! There's nothing wrong with having a simple art style sometimes. :-)
It might be good to differentiate the colors of points and HP - at first I thought gaining points was HP since they were both green. 

When I entered Sector 43 from 33, it said "I entered sector 33 for the first time".

Sometimes it said "Qirien has found a gem!" long after I found one, and I don't think there was another player with my same name...

I wasn't sure what to do after I got some gems - is there a way to bring them back to the surface? Maybe I should have asked the General more questions...

Thanks for your comments, Qirien! I’m glad you like the idea.

I’ll change the color of points and look into the bug about the sector entered. Thanks for pointing that out.

About the news, it’s a very simple system, it just loops over the five last news forever. So, if several users play at the same time, it makes sense, but with only one player, it just repeats the last five gems found, or levelups.

And there is nothing more to do than collect gems. Fighting monsters is the only way to get through them to reach more gems, and levelup is needed to defeat monsters once we go a little far from the starting point.

That’s the reason I’ve called it a «prototype».

The game is currently very hard. I’ve wanted to experiment with the multiplayer feature. A group of players will defeat monsters a lot more easily (points are granted to all players engaged in the same combat, not divided among them, so if one player just attacks a monster once, waits, and the partners defeat it, the first one also gets all the points).

The code it’s prepared to become more narrative. It can be expanded with an actual story.

- Every time the player moves, there could be a scene with an encounter, a NPC, a finding, etc. (internally, the code uses a check «if renpy.has_label()», so if it finds a label with the correct name, it will jump).

- Names of places currently are just coordinates, but they can be actual names (some town, some city, some house).

- The minimap can be changed to an actual map for every sector.

- The movement options have a «tip» that can be changed to an actual description of where are we going. So, the GUI can be changed to seem like normal menus in VN.

My intention is to add this features, in the future, inside another project: Rhaier Kingdom.

Great! I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything. :-) I think multiplayer features are a wonderful idea for Ren'Py and I'm glad you're working on them!